zach's blog

i hate adobe

I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate adobe. The software is okay I guess, but the company? Fuck them. you're telling me I have to pay like 20 bucks a month just for your spyware? And not even that, if I ever wanna stop paying you I have to pay a fee? Nope, not doing that. I'd rather risk getting a virus and having all my information stolen then have to pay for an adobe product. I'd pay for it like a normal person if it wasn't subscription based. I HATE subscriptions. Also I genuinely don't like the software, this shit is so needlessly complex. I use adobe animate, yet every time I use it I'm constantly going back to google and taking like 30 minutes trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong, just for it to completely fuck up the animation I'm working on, having to undo everything I just did, and repeat. It sucks how this stupid program is practically the standard. Yeah, I could just switch softwares, and yeah it's probably just a skill issue, but I don't care, I want something to rant about.