zach's blog

corners of the internet?

so a lot of people will say on their website "welcome to my corner of the internet" (I am guilty of doing this). It's also just a pretty common saying in general. But now that I think about it, how many corners of the internet are there? It's a very common saying so it really just makes me wonder. Is the internet just a REALLY pointy star? No, because the internet isn't that small. So maybe the internet is just a giant circle? Because maybe circles are infinite sided shapes, but that doesn't really make sense. But at the same time the symbol of the internet practically is a meridian globe. Which is like... A circle. I kind of got stuck there but my second theory is that the internet is like a huge maze. It doesn't just have to be one giant shape, it could be just a bunch of shapes or something. I think the maze makes more sense. Because it could just be a very very very large maze, and then it would have TONS of corners. Plus the internet is kind of like a maze in a way. So I think I've come to the conclusion that the internet is one gigantic maze.